Just remember. I'm NOT crunchy. I'm sticking to that. I have, however, experienced enough of a difference in making my own skin-body-hair care products that I can't go back to the synthetic/chemical-laden-plastic-bottled stuff in the store.
Ummm, chemicals. That's why. And you're putting them on your face! Anywhere you have pores (i.e. anywhere you have skin), you will absorb what you put on it. If the average person uses 10 different products on their skin daily, you're absorbing well over 100 different chemicals through your spongy body (yes, I just called you spongy. I'm not saying you wear square pants and live in a pineapple under the sea. Our skin is more like a sponge than a barrier with this stuff). Take a gander at these digits (which are all EW!):
- 4 Pounds: The average amount of lipstick a woman ingests over her lifetime
- 11: The percentage of the 10,500 ingredients used in the personal-care products that the US
- 1,110+: The number of ingredients banned in cosmetics in Europe
- 10: The number of ingredients banned in cosmetics in the US
- 20: The percentage of personal care products that contain at least one chemical linked to cancer.
- 22: The percentage of cosmetics contaminated with possible cancer causing impurity 1, 4-dioxane
Ready to ditch those pretty looking plastic store bought bottles yet?